As soon as the news came out, it caused an instant sensation, and the more God wants to be able to control this sword, he can easily kill his opponent through his mind. Of course, everything means that no one has seen it with his own eyes.
Of course, not everyone can enter the sword gate and enjoy the sword, so there will be an inn dispute. The gate of the creak inn was pushed from the outside, and each person had a wood blade. Who would kill wood blade with a wooden sword? As soon as…
Chu Yun don’t know each other what this blue light wall is. Striking the strings continuously, the sound blade is not deadly to attack the past. But the sound blade attack has no effect on this blue light wall Just then, the fairy waved her hand gently and the light…
Guming heard smile hug Guo Menglan neck charming smile "? Satisfied? Don’t look at my eyes. If the average person pursues me over the years, there will be one if there are not ten … How can he be in love! "
Guo Menglan smiled and reached for her forehead. "Look at you, I haven’t promised yet. What are you beautiful about?"! But what about this Yi family? I have never heard of any background! " "I wonder how he, a little-known figure, can get together with Lord Shen when he is…
"I have seen more than that. Fairy Chang ‘e is working under me now. She is still as beautiful and moving as before. There are endless suitors in heaven, and there are long queues every day. Don’t you want to meet her?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked with a smile.
"You can’t use the relationship of Chang ‘e to find a reason for yourself to get away. I will make a decision myself if you want to see Chang ‘e, so I won’t bother you talking nonsense there. Anyway, I am not unfamiliar with the road to heaven. " Hou…
The other three people are blocked with good surface kung fu, but they don’t have that calm skill in their hearts, and each of them lamented the magic in their hearts
Holy, dear, mistress has grown up with this little trick. It’s forcing her to come back, knowing that a person’s weight is not enough has dragged so many people to the water. I’m fascinated. Well, it’s a good move to force him to submit. Should he be ashamed? Fu Yunyi…
I’ll go ~ big brother? Ya really knows how to act ~ I’m a good citizen ~ And my sisters ~ Suddenly my daughters blushed ~ "Well, I’m not in the mood to walk around again. Let’s go!" I cooperate with the light rain and lulu hand light said
"Today, you have never seen anyone here except me and Lao Zhou, otherwise ~" I stared at the fifth property with a calm face "but I haven’t seen anyone!" He nodded nervously, and sweat had already appeared on his forehead, but this guy stole his eyes at us. "Well" strong…
Duke also threw caution to the wind, so he gritted his teeth and roared, "The nobility is amazing! Nobles say that the sun is black or black! I don’t want you to smash the fireball into an arrow! It’s Aurelia Windrunner, the high-level elf ranger general of Quel ‘Salas, who killed this wild boar. How dare you take the credit! ?”
Duke’ s words made the people around him stunned. Even Brando’s scalp is a little numb What would involve those arrogant people with long ears and noses? This is probably an international dispute. Although there is no formal alliance between human beings and the high elves, the status of the…
“嗨!”令官哈腰一躬身退了出去! “川野那面准备怎么样了不能再拖延了在拖延去恐怕我们会遭受巨大损失没想到这些支那人来势竟然这么凶猛……”见令官退转身对川野犬夫询问道一想到固若金汤天皇城有可能被攻破他心里就有些发慌 “陛放心支那人没有那么易攻破我天皇城虽然这次他们纠一些乌合众来犯可我大日帝国军队也不是吃素大日帝国武士们各个都是能征善战去去一些游勇散兵不足惧……退一万步来说我们不是还有岐大神么! 式神祭祀们正在努力唤醒岐大神要在给他们点时我坚信就凭岐大神一个人就可把这些来犯地那杂种统统地消灭死啦死啦滴!”相国川野犬夫张狂地说道根就没有把中国大军放在眼好像他随时都可捏死地蚂蚁那样简单 听到川野犬夫一席话伪天皇放心了不少川野犬夫虽然有些狂妄自大可做事还算老练稳妥不然哥哥也不会派他前来协助自己了于是安心地点头说道“也不要小瞧那些支那人樱花城就是一个很好例当初他们紧紧几万人就是因我们没他们放在眼里结果让他们钻了短时就把樱花城沦陷了给我们打日帝国造成很大滴损失套句支那话——大意失荆州啊!” 伪天皇有些意味深长地感叹很让川野犬夫不然“陛那不过是支那人狡猾大大地也是我们大意所造成这次我们是有备而战管教支那人有命来没命回去……” “唉!希望是这样吧!我们不能再有闪失了你还是加紧催促那些式神祭祀们早点唤醒岐大神好……”伪天皇可没川野犬夫那么乐观对于中国了解他可知甚祥他爷爷爷爷就是曾经亲自参加过侵华战争并把老命搭在那个神秘国度里临终前叮嘱自己地孙后代今后绝不允许他后辈在有这样野心 可惜这次是人家打门来了虽然这是游戏可毕竟和现实挂钩利益相层层利益让大家都很紧张前辈教训让他深受教训可就是现在还有那么一些人依然野心勃勃妄图在次发动战争通过这次虚拟游戏战争更让伪天皇他感受到中国人那颗坚韧雄心 那些支那人不但不是人欺凌绵羊而是随时都在择人而噬地雄狮张血盆大口随时都在等待肥肉门送到口中一担贸然发动侵华战争那疑是羊入虎口有去回结果 第573章 岐大神 可那些该死政客什么就根看不到这点呢?? 伪天皇坐在宝座想着心事揣测接来战况发展方向战报再一次来 “启禀陛支……支……那人已经攻城墙正在我大日帝国守备玩家血战请陛时定夺……?”令官慌慌张张地冲进皇宫气还没喘匀断断续续地报告 “什么……支那人攻城墙了?嘎……他们都是干什么吃饭桶……统统地饭桶命令守城玩家们武士要不惜一切代价把他们给我打去否则……统统地死啦死啦滴干活……”接到城墙被占通报伪天皇再也坐不住了阴狠面孔出现了一阵慌乱 天皇城城墙一片混乱到处都是兵器挥动光影偶尔还会又从城抛来魔法闪箭羽也是很有目标射击近千轩辕玩家一个又一个地冲了来参到战斗当中 能够冲城墙玩家都是一些等级比较高战斗经验比较丰富玩家来后紧紧守住搭建云梯处阻止敌人破坏把那些企图阻止蹬城玩家拒在外而那些日玩家也疯狂反扑想把攻城轩辕盟成员杀死或者赶去 In the fierce battle, players in China attacked the city wall. One by one, people kept falling from the city wall and fell into a human shape. However, people who killed red eyes…